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Best Postal Code Data on the Planet

Get accurate geographical and demographic data on all US and Canadian postal codes.

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How Does It Work?

Highly performant, dead-simple JSON API.
Our API is so easy to integrate with you can use any language or technology: Ruby, Go, Java, C/C++, R, Javascript, and more!

Lots of Options

Simple to use, yet powerful enough to support a wide range of use cases.

E-commerce Platforms

Increase checkout conversions

Calculate shipping costs and delivery times

Verify and standardize addresses

Logistics & Supply Chain

Optimize route planning and logistics

Determine warehouse locations

Geolocation Services

Match postal codes with geographic coordinates

Provide geolocation-based content

Market Research

Analyze demographic and socioeconomic data by postal code

Understand market trends and consumer behavior based on location

Real Estate

Neighborhood and region-specific data

Location-based search filters

Healthcare Services

Facilitate patient scheduling and routing

Analyze health data and trends at a regional level

Choose the Plan
That Works For You

All plans include a free 10 day trial


For individuals who just want to try out Zipasaurus.

$9.99 /mo

Choose Starter

✓ Access to all data points

✓ Up to 500 requests per month

✓ Support via email


Unlock more capacity for tighter integration and advanced use-cases.

$19.99 /mo

Choose Pro

✓ Access to all data points

✓ Up to 5000 requests per month

✓ Priority support


For big companies with a high volume of requests.

$49.99 /mo

Choose Enterprise

✓ Access to all data points

Unlimited requests per month

✓ Priority support